Endpoints and regions

In order to support our customers to meet jurisdiction control requirements, our service has multiple independent points of presence across the globe. Content submitted to these endpoints, never leaves that region. 

Here's our available endpoints today: 

Endpoint URL Location AWS Region
https://api-us1.scanii.com Virginia / USA us-east-1
https://api-eu1.scanii.com Dublin / Ireland eu-west-1
https://api-eu2.scanii.com London /United Kingdom eu-west-2
https://api-ap1.scanii.com Sydney / Australia ap-southeast-2
https://api-ap2.scanii.com Singapore / Singapore ap-southeast-1
https://api-ca1.scanii.com Montreal / Canada ca-cental-1


Is there a specific IP address for the service?  

Scanii utilizes Amazon Web Services (AWS) for compute capacity across the globe, if you would like to access control traffic to and from our service you can use the IP address information available here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html#aws-ip-download.

Can your service expand to other regions? 

Yes, if you would like to see us expanding to other regions, please email support at support@uvasoftware.com 

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