Version 2.0 Introduction

This describes usage of’s API version 2.0. If you have any questions please contact support. 

The examples below are utilizing the cURL command line library and should be easily translated into any programming language.


Scanii is a global content processing service with availability in the following regions/domains:

For sake of this overview we will utilize as the domain name since it’s the simplest to use.


All access happens over HTTPS using the domain name and the /v2.1 base path. All responses utilize JSON and all dates are in the ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) format. For example, here’s a sample response from our Ping resource:

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:123456

All of our resources utilize HTTP basic authentication to unique identify clients and since all interactions happen over TLS credentials are always safely transmitted.

In the example above, 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:123456 represent the api key (8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad) and its secret (123456). The API credentials are created (and managed) by the user using Scanii’s web interface here.


HTTP response codes

Scanii strives to adhere to common REST principles for its responses whenever practical and retain consistent response codes across its resources.

Here are the common HTTP ERROR response codes across our resources:

  • 400 - Request could not be understood
  • 401 - Authentication error
  • 403 - There is problem with your API credentials 
  • 404 - Invalid path
  • 413 - Content size is bigger than the max allowed by this resource

Success codes will vary by resource but will always be in the 2XX range.

HTTP response headers

Scanii utilizes HTTP response headers to provide metadata about the API response and its resources. For example:

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:123456789 -F file=@/tmp/foo.exe

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 05:33:30 GMT


X-Runtime: 4164ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: 0cb43907-684a-4439-a164-3e40edde1f48

Content-Length: 299

Connection: keep-alive


"id" : "9a1880dcb5e31d47c11be8ab243078ab",

"checksum" : "edbb54821bc3f5666be48184a822c3df59392c31",

"content_length" : 1579562,

"findings" : [ "av.crdf.malware-generic.2462546599.unofficial" ],

"creation_date" : "2015-05-29T05:33:34.390Z",

"content_type" : "application/x-msdownload"


Header Purpose
X-Scanii-Request-Id A unique identifier of the request being processed
Location The resource unique location
X-Runtime The amount of server side time it took to process the request
X-Scanii-Host-Id A unique identifier of the server that processed the request

Error payloads

Every unsuccessful API response includes a basic set of response elements:

  • error - a text message explaining what happened


$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:123456789 -H "Origin:"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 05:38:57 GMT

X-Runtime: 0ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: 68177aeb-0648-4946-acaa-8b4de08bbb6b

Content-Length: 70

Connection: keep-alive


"message" : "pong",

"key" : "8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad"


Success payloads

Every successful API response includes a basic set of response elements:

  • id - this result unique identifier
  • checksum - the SHA1 digest of the content processed
  • content_length - the length in bytes of the content processed
  • findings - what our content detection engines were able to identify while processing the content submitted
  • creation_date - ISO8601 time stamp of when the content was processed
  • content_type - the media type of the content processed
  • metadata - arbitrary set of user-supplied key/value pairs

Cross Origin Resource Sharing - CORS

Along with the HTTP headers listed above, our APIs also support Cross Origin Resource Sharing ( for AJAX requests from any resource. Here’s what a sample request from a browser hitting our endpoint would look like:

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:123456789 -H "Origin:"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 05:38:57 GMT

X-Runtime: 0ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: 68177aeb-0648-4946-acaa-8b4de08bbb6b

Content-Length: 70

Connection: keep-alive


"message" : "pong",

"key" : "8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad"



Our current API does not have any explicit API call rate limit. We actually consider that be a big oversight on our part that we aim to address in the next version (v3) coming out this year. With that said, if you blast us with traffic, let’s say 10k reqs in a second, that is likely to trigger a capacity scaling event and that will cause a brief number of 500 level HTTP responses for a brief period of a few seconds while more capacity is provisioned. We encourage all of our clients to add in some sensible retry logic (let’s say 3 times with a random wait between 1- 30 seconds) to cope with these scaling events. 

 API tour

For the examples below we will assume that the user has a valid API key, and we will navigate through a few common API calls using the cURL command line tool. Further information on using cURL

Let’s start with a simple Ping call that tells us that our API key is ready for use:

$ curl -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:12345678


"message" : "pong",

"key" : "8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad"


Looks good, now let’s try to send a file for processing synchronously (that is, the client will wait until the processing is completed):

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:12345678 -F file=@/Users/rafael/virus.exe

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 05:52:28 GMT


X-Runtime: 1030ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: 57f5e0d3-bfb7-4977-b9b9-ebdd2f0a3748

Content-Length: 299

Connection: keep-alive


"id" : "2914d80c2bf5f3818cbc3ed3b833285c",

"checksum" : "edbb54821bc3f5666be48184a822c3df59392c31",

"content_length" : 1579562,

"findings" : [ "av.crdf.malware-generic.2462546599.unofficial" ],

"creation_date" : "2015-05-29T05:52:29.067Z",

"content_type" : "application/x-msdownload"


Well, looks like Scanii found something in that file, “findings” is always a list of everything meaningful our engine encountered while processing that file, in this case our anti virus engine found the  “” malware.

Also, in the example above we took advantage of Scanii’s custom metadata ability to store the file name with the content processed. Arguments sent us in the formatmetadata[key]=value get automatically saved with the resource and it is a great place to store your business logic such as the internal id of the content or the name of the web server (or application) that generated the request.

Now let’s say that you would like to batch process lots of files at once and be notified as processing completes, here’s an example of using our asynchronous callback endpoint:

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:12345678 -F file=@/Users/rafael/virus.exe -F callback=

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 06:00:36 GMT


X-Runtime: 1113ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: b12f1da6-f76b-4489-8e47-443c3ffc91ea

Content-Length: 41

Connection: keep-alive


In the example above our API client will return immediately (and not wait for the content processing to finish) and notify via a HTTP POST request the endpoint once completed. The payload of the callback will match the usual JSON response payload as below:


"id" : "decad1d51b7981911113eb735739e73f",

"checksum" : "edbb54821bc3f5666be48184a822c3df59392c31",

"content_length" : 1579562,

"findings" : [ "av.crdf.malware-generic.2462546599.unofficial" ],

"creation_date" : "2015-05-29T06:00:37.772Z",

"content_type" : "application/x-msdownload"


Also notice that the all content processed has a unique persistent and retrievable locator:

$ curl -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:12345678


"id" : "decad1d51b7981911113eb735739e73f",

"checksum" : "edbb54821bc3f5666be48184a822c3df59392c31",

"content_length" : 1579562,

"findings" : [ "av.crdf.malware-generic.2462546599.unofficial" ],

"creation_date" : "2015-05-29T06:00:37.772Z",

"content_type" : "application/x-msdownload"


Lastly, let’s have Scanii fetch the content to be processed directly from a third party resource (in this case private Amazon S3 object that we will access using query string authentication):

$ curl -i -u 8eb05c68f386421db2dd4929fc4f77ad:12345678 --data-urlencode location='' -d callback=

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Type: application/json

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 06:19:32 GMT


X-Runtime: 0ms

X-Scanii-Host-Id: 613a7f69

X-Scanii-Request-Id: 538547c8-37be-47b3-9333-ca489eb68bd5

Content-Length: 41

Connection: keep-alive


In the example above we pass the location to be fetched, processed and eventually have the results send to a callback URL.

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